I am one of those people who love to celebrate birthdays! This year for my birthday, I want to GIVE! I’m celebrating with a big giveaway just below! As an added bonus, a special offer will be sent to everyone that enters!
So what’s the prize? There are actually 2! First, a summer family session! The winner of this session will receive a family film and photo session to take place in May or June of this year. This is a $850 prize! These family films have become one of my very favorite things to create!! How special will this memory be in the years to come?!
The second prize is a Motherhood session! Booking for these officially opens Monday March 18, 2019 but one lucky mama will get first dibs on time slot AND the added film option! This is a $350 prize!
Enter through the widget below!! Email entry is the only requirement! The rest are bonus entries!! Best of luck and thanks for playing!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Expecting mamas, make sure you check out my special event just for you! Details at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bump-to-baby-2019-tickets-58038151674