
Welcome, friend! I'm Kate. I married my high school sweetheart over 10 years ago and we have three curious and imaginative kids. You'll find motherhood stories and ideas here, along with gorgeous photos and videos!

The weather in Colorado can be so very unpredictable! We had Hadyn’s 2 year old portraits scheduled for the middle of March, a bit closer to her birthday but the weather was just not the best and spring really hadn’t sprung! So we tried again in April. The forecast called for rain after 8pm so […]

Loveland Children’s Milestone Photos, 2 Year Old Portraits

Halloween is, and always has been, one of my very favorite holidays. Growing up, we always made my costumes, usually from just piecing together clothes from around the house and occasionally branching into dying some fabric and getting really creative. I still love making costumes but this year we went store bought much to the […]

7 tips for better Halloween Photos {Northern Colorado Children’s Photographer}

Bryce is such a sweet little guy! We had an awesome time wandering around Dixon Resevoir in Fort Collins and getting to know each other. He was really into being right up close to the mountains and loves nature. You can tell he makes friends where ever he goes and wins over hearts. A fisherman […]

Bryce {Fort Collins, CO Children’s Photographer}

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