
Welcome, friend! I'm Kate. I married my high school sweetheart over 10 years ago and we have three curious and imaginative kids. You'll find motherhood stories and ideas here, along with gorgeous photos and videos!

Sweet Nolan is such a lucky baby to have joined this fun Windsor, CO family. From the time I spent with them in my Loveland studio I can see that they love big and strong! Big brother was quite taken with his new baby and future best friend! Can you blame him?? Look at that […]

A baby brother! {Loveland Newborn Photography Studio}

Baby K came in to model for me shortly after I attended mentoring to help perfect my newborn photography with Nicole Smith Photography out of Scottsbluff, NE. The mentoring was amazing and I had so many light bulb moments throughout. The trip to get there on the other hand was a wild ride!  My dear […]

Newborn Photography, Northern Colorado {Mentoring Review}

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